Our Story
“To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved, is well, a lot like being loved by God.”
— Tim Keller
Julia and Moses met at her first job out of college. After months of pursuit (by Moses), and a few rejections (by Julia) — they finally had their first date. Julia quickly saw the heart Moses had for his friends and family, and how he lived his life with gratitude and joy. Moses fell in love with her charming quirkiness and the love she had for her family and friends. In August 2020, Moses popped the question he had been patiently waiting to ask for the last 5 years in Durango, CO — and the rest is history, almost. They are excited to be united in marriage through Christ, while surrounded by family and friends!